Patton SmartNode eSBC Certified by Orange Business Services 2.24.2020
The award-winning SmartNode� e SBCs and virtual CPE products are now certified for use with SIP trunk services offered by Orange
SmartNode� VoIP� More than Just Talk!
�Patton is an historic VoIP
manufacturer. �The SmartNode eSBC offering is internationally recognized.
It meets the specific needs of OBS.�
Xavier Morlon
Product Manager Business Talk over IP services at Orange Business Services
Niederwangen, Switzerland: Patton�US manufacturer and multinational vendor of telephony hardware and software, virtual CPE, and cloud edge-orchestration solutions�together with Orange Business Services (OBS)�announces the
SmartNode eSBC product line is certified for interoperation with the
Business Talk IP (BTIP) SIP-trunk offering (France) and the Business Talk (BT) service (International)�as well as the secure Internet versions of those services: BTIPoI (Business Talk IP over Internet) and BToI (Business Talk over Internet).
Patton�s SmartNode eSBC product line offers a competitive solution for SME�s that want to transition their corporate telephone network to ALL-IP. Using SIP-TLS and SRTP protocols, Patton eSBCs provide secure end-to-end communication over a dedicated or Internet-access SIP trunk.
Patton�s range of SBCs includes:
- The SmartNode
SN500, an entry-level model that covers the access needs of small companies and SMEs by managing 4 to 30 SIP sessions.
- The SmartNode SN5500 and
SN5600, models that support higher-density sites by providing up to 200 and 1000 concurrent SIP sessions respectively.
- The Virtual SmartNode (vSN), a virtualized CPE solution that offers a software SBC based entirely on the OpEx model.
The entire SmartNode range uses common software and supports IPv4 and
SmartNode eSBCs deployed on OBS SIP trunks may be managed by the Patton
Cloud, a multi-tenant administration platform accessible from an ordinary Internet access. The Patton Cloud communicates in real time with SmartNode eSBCs via a secure tunnel. The edge-orchestration service provides �zero touch� configuration, provisioning, and monitoring, with one-click updates. The Patton Cloud also provides an integrated license server that manages a dynamically-allocated, on-demand license pool.
The OBS certification was carried out in accordance with the VISIT (Voice for IP VPN Support of IP Technology) program, which includes all the specifications for connecting to SIP trunks provided by Orange Business Services.
�Patton is an historic VoIP manufacturer,� says Xavier
Morlon, Product Manager Business Talk over IP services at Orange Business Service. �The SmartNode eSBC offering is internationally recognized. It meets the specific needs of OBS, both functionally and commercially�at a time when OBS intends to develop its SIP trunk offering�in particular over the Internet.�
"Being referenced by Orange is the holy grail of any manufacturer,� said Roland Leocadio, Sales Director Patton Southern Europe. �We are honored to have been selected at the end of a rigorous certification phase.�
"The successful certification demonstrates Patton�s ability to meet the current needs of incumbent operators, who require smooth and transparent migration from End-of-Life ISDN services to SIP and unified communications delivered by competitive and highly-secure products.�
For more information on these services, go to:��
About Orange Business Services
Orange Business Services is a network-native digital services company and the global enterprise division of the Orange Group. It�s the integrator of the Orange group providing telecommunications and IT services for companies in France and around the world.�
Orange Business Services provides integrated communication services to companies in the fields of cloud computing, telecommunications, unified communications and collaboration. It brings together the business to business activities of the Orange Group carried out by various subsidiaries in France and abroad.
About Patton
Patton designs and manufactures high-quality communications equipment including networking,
telecom, ProAV, and
IoT products�all made in the USA. Incorporated in 1984 and headquartered in Gaithersburg, MD, Patton provides right-priced products and services for carrier, enterprise, government, and industrial markets.
Patton�s advanced technologies help organizations preserve investments in legacy systems while facilitating the transition to ALL-IP�and the convergence of all communication modalities.
Leveraging virtualization, SDN, SD-WAN, and NFV, Patton
cloud provides touchless provisioning and edge-orchestration services.
With decades of technology expertise in unified
communications, network access &
connectivity, industrial
networking, and software &
cloud, Patton�s world-class support team stands ready to help get you connected and running for years to come.
Let�s Connect!
Media Contact: Glendon Flowers | +1 301 975 1000 | [email protected]